Club Cars are entering their 24th year of business and this year they seem to be a disruptive force in the Manchester private hire Taxi scene. With over 500 drivers & 40,000 bookings every week we are already the largest private hire taxi company in Manchester but don’t really have a large presence in the City Centre…. Until Now! We are delighted to let everyone know that we have secured a new office bang in the middle of the Gay Village and we shall be moving in within the next few weeks.
In preparation for this huge move and to make us stand out from the rest we have recently invested over £500k in upgrading all our internal & customer facing systems including our new iPhone & Android booking app.
With our app you can book & track your private hire taxi in just a few taps making it the easiest & quickest way to book… We are finding more and more people are using the app instead of the phone to book with us and know that this is ideal for the app savvy university students of Manchester for when they come back this month.
We know that customers wont just choose us because we have fancy technology or the fact that we are simply the biggest private hire cab company in Manchester… No, they will choose us because we are the cheapest private hire taxi company in Manchester and we offer a professional service! Whether you are just planning a private hire taxi into the city or whether you are a business reviewing your private hire taxi account please give us a call on 0161 436 4000 and see what we can offer you.